ZORO – Zack’s Open Row-Oriented Memory Scheduler

NOTE: This paper has not been professionally published. This paper was written as a research project for Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology ECE532 – Advanced Topics: Computer Architecture. We plan to possibly do further research on this topic and professionally publish this paper. The post will be updated at that time.

Jack Davidson, Zackery Painter


Conventional memory scheduling takes advantage of the row currently open in memory by prioritizing memory requests in that row. Only if there are no more memory requests for the open row does memory switch to another row, based on the oldest memory request in the queue. This First-Ready-First-Come-First-Serve (FR-FCFS) scheduling is standard in modern processors. This paper aims to take advantage of FR-FCFS by implementing a memory scheduler that prioritizes same-row memory requests sent from the memory controller – ZORO.  

We found a slight improvement in activation energy and read latency for larger cache sizes but found minimal changes in row hits for all cache sizes. For smaller cache sizes, our results were worse for all metrics we recorded.

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